Tradução: ¿No es Talkin '' Bout Love. ¿No es Talkin '' Bout Love. Wish You Were Here. Rebel Yell.
Tradução: CliffsNotes a canciones de guitarra. Come As You Are. Every Breath You Take. Sunshine of Your Love. Love Song.
Tradução: In Love with a Girl. Need You Now. Need You Tonight. Rebel Yell. What You Want. Need You Now.
Tradução: El Fake Book Fácil Eighties. Don't You Want Me. Every Breath You Take. Glory Of Love. Higher Love.
Tradução: El Humongous Cancionero. Siéntase como Makin 'Love. Rebel Yell. Feel Like Makin 'Love. I Did It. Vario.
Tradução: Any Way You Want It. Feel Like Makin 'Love. I Wanna Rock. Rebel Yell. Sunshine of Your Love.
Tradução: Guitar Tab White Pages - Volumen 4. I Wanna Be Your Dog. Any Way You Want It. Just What I Needed. Need You Now.
Tradução: The Ultimate White Pages - Instrumentos Volumen 1. Do You Want To Know A Secret. You Really Got Me. I Will Follow Him.
Tradução: Feel Like Makin 'Love. Whole Lotta Love. Just What I Needed. ¿No es Talkin '' Bout Love. Big Love.
Tradução: The Phillips Collection de Traditional American violín Tunes Vol. 1. Sal ¿No You Marry Me. Wish I Had Mi Time Again.