Tradução: El Sheldon Harnick Cancionero. She Loves Me. She Loves Me. True Love And Beautiful Music. Sheldon Harnick. Para Piano.
Tradução: I Got Plenty of Nuttin '. I Got Rhythm. I Got Plenty O 'Nuttin'. de "Of Thee I Sing '. Vario. Partituras de voz.
Tradução: Musical Theatre Antología de The Singer - Volumen 4 - Soprano. I Have To Tell You. Love, Don't Turn Away. Libro sólo.
Tradução: So In Love. Love, Look Away. Once You Lose Your Heart. Till There Was You. Will You.
Tradução: Musical Theatre Antología de The Singer - Volumen 4 - Soprano. I Have To Tell You. Love, Don't Turn Away. Sólo CD.
Tradução: Teatro musical para cantantes clásicos. Till There Was You. Wishing You Were De algún modo aquí de nuevo. Will You.
Tradução: Teatro musical para cantantes clásicos. I Feel Pretty. Love, Look Away. No Other Love. So in Love.
Tradução: Musical Theatre Antología de The Singer - Volumen 4 - Soprano. I Have To Tell You. Love, Don't Turn Away.
Tradução: Teatro musical para cantantes clásicos. Wishing You Were De algún modo aquí de nuevo. Falling in Love With Love.