and peer through the mist and take a closer look at the darkened valleys under a whirlpool sky, bathed by a cold blue sun, a place that is called - Savageland
: (The hero of our story, strong honourable, a giant of a man, brother of the murdered king...) A giant of a man was he Hewn from wood and stone With
: (The horror of the underground mines, where the captured children are forced to work to extract the ore the Duke needs for his magic fire!) White
: (The aftermath of the battle, the tears and the sadness!) In the fields a blackbird cries And another star has died Mothers wail and search for sons
: (After his forces are defeated, the Duke stands alone but still. Commanding the blue flame, who will be the victor?) Victory, the time and place is
: (The putting to death to the twisted souls the Duke had changed with his evil power.) In the caves, slaves in chains, no release, From the Duke and
: (The gathering of Braveheart's forces against the Duke's dark legions...) As the north wind howled And the thunder broke, Braveheart Stands proudly
those we left behind We know a new day has arrived We shout, we scream, we laugh - Savageland is free New day, new start, new life - Savageland is free
: (The beauty and tranquility of the land shattered by the treachery of the Duke!) A single grain of sand That comes from savageland It is more precious
: Savageland, another time, another world, where under a cold blue sun, the evil Duke Kron, half brother of the murdered ruler of Savageland, seeks to
: (The edict given out by the Duke, the power of life or death over his enemies...) They can't deny my name My infamy in destined for their history
dragon Moroth. Ending in the showing by Moroth to Braveheart the power of the Shield of Darkness and the foretelling of his coming to rule Savageland)
: (The Duke, half brother of the dead king siezes his chance to destroy all who stand in his way, and crown himself king!) Start up the engines Release
will fight - rise up for Savageland We will die - for holy Savageland Awake, for gods sake, rally to the battlements We will give our lifes for Savageland
(The beauty and tranquility of the land shattered by the treachery of the Duke!) A single grain of sand That comes from savageland It is more precious