: [Words by Raymond, Music by Theatre of Tragedy] Parch'd of words, parch'd of lauds, Lorn and tyned fro my wame - 'Seech I more perforce indeed: Lap
- Lave me in it; I want more! For my loe, not be adust. Come see as the wind: Chant - I let thee come in - Come see as the wind, Aoede. As of lote -
[Words by Raymond, Music by Theatre of Tragedy] Parch'd of words, parch'd of lauds, Lorn and tyned fro my wame - 'Seech I more perforce indeed: Lap I
[Words by Raymond, Music by Theatre of Tragedy] Parch'd of words, parch'd of lauds, Lorn and tyned fro my wame - 'Seech I more perforce indeed: Lap