've got the time. Face the path alone- Begin again! Face what is there- what is there. I must realize what is there, face, confront and never give in.
you've got the time. Face the path alone- Begin again! Face what is there- what is there. I must realize what is there, face, confront and never give
a life, strife backfire in your face, no disgrace, come off like word they come like a herd but they said we'd drop like a lead zeppelin in your face
life, strife backfire in your face know your place come on like word they come like a heard but they said we'd drop like a lead zeppelin in your face
vision's on the mission, seeking the note dropping the bomb, by remote Load up the cavalry's, no salaries, the keys The life's memories, strife bringing
Chimera's daughter Perhaps could be the truth of the world's strife Or will I just find the end of time? [Chorus] Body of lion I look your face of woman
: Stopped in the crossroads of my life wrapped in the world of eternal strife I'm looking for the meaning of the universe searching in myself melody
A Fare to Raise the Flag (of Satan), to desseminate the races, To build the Hall of Battle and to live in Eternal Strife Flittermice came forth from
all have something to hide We all have 'another side' None shall defy his deeds None shall deny his evil needs No - no one shall survive The inner-strife Face
with you faith Achieved more than could Just like everyone should I trust in you And you wish to survive And the struggle and strife That you will face
wild the thoughts of who perhaps you were Before your soul demanded your creation And deigned my mind and willing heart to stir For such a noble and impassioned face
I'm burnt You can't rely on me To be the one who saves you I get off on negativity Makes me laugh to see your strife I won't succumb to your numb I owe
: Tears falling from the sky! And how can we not know the reason why? It took us all two thousand years of work and strife Bringing the day we made God
your face Its naive to make believe that you're right, it's not bright Only fools go walking on thin ice, twice You and life can skip the strife and
to arbours cool. A time of valour, and legends born A time when honour meant much more to a man than life And the days knew only strife to tell
And getting up was fun I couldn't care, 'cause I'm already there I'm already there, and I'm ready there Turn around and face the clock I'd sit and
getting up was fun. I couldn't care cuz I'm already there. I'm already there and I'm ready there. Turn around and face the clock I'd sit and watch as
minor, I'll never be a happy slave May this cold sever my face And my the pain weaken my fists No inner strife will touch me The only truth is in my