(Charly Garcia) Quiero ver, quiero entrar, nena, nadie te va a hacer mal, excepto amarte. Vas aqui, vas alla, pero nunca te encontraras al escaparte.
: Estamos perdiendo los derechos por los que muchos murieron. Empresarios, gobierno y sindicatos burocraticos cenan juntos negociando miserias. Se estan
: Cafre, frio y sin sentimientos, produce sucio dinero, el arrasa y se apodera de todo lo que sean beneficios. Nada, nada puede controlarlo, nadie logra
: Every man lives by his own truth And idiot can have faith and they all do Awash in the filth of this ugly town A chip on the shoulder And the worst
: Heart beat low heat no heat at all Question unanswered and I recall Haves that have no qualms what arses they lick In taking their pick) Doesn't It
: Love peace and understanding makes No difference in the end What you need to survive Mother nature will provide As long as you're In bed by ten Everybody
: Met me a girl the other week Long blonde hair lips you could eat She thanked me for the drinks I bought And said the train that she ought to have caught
: I don't know what else to say I'd thought we were doing okay Shows you how little I know And tomorrow when at work Someone calls out does it hurt Oh
: You'd think that nothing could erase Like rubber bullets well your right I've got a lead one in my hand It won't erase a word I write You are the keeper
: Take one policeman whose job is tough Investigating a cover-up Looks to his colleagues for support Gets accused of nothing has to leave the force Not
: And I don't know why some have more I only know they always will Tracksuit top coming off As the sweat is pouring From you still Sex appeal it's a
: You tell me you love And then you don't Love me Well I don't care You say that you need me And you deceive me Well I don't care maybe you're everything
: One and one and two are three If you adhere to Irish logic That's just one of the many jokes of which The Irish are the topic You can talk about the
: God speed on your journey overseas Into the path of the sun And while you're away spare a thought for me Cause I'll be the lonely one You say that
: I don't believe you'd let me down I don't believe you'd go But lately you're avoided me If something's wrong You know The least you should do Is tell
: When words fail you Don't say why Say Ireland Say Ireland And I'll tell you why When bombs dismay you Don't just cry Cry Ireland Cry Ireland Cry Ireland
: Well I've been trying to make a living Working eight hours a day But despite the overtime What I take home is A disgrace Still old con-lab-lib still
: Twenty five years I've been on this earth Not forgetting those months before my birth Months during which if my mother had said I don't want this baby