: (Jesus Navarro) Por el quebrado camino Que va a la sierra huasteca Se oye cantar un jinete Que monta una yegua prieta Al acompasado trote De la jaca
In the thick forest Later, all that is heard Is the huasteco's falsetto Ringing back from the distant trail Trio Voices- Linda Ronstadt, Mike Ronstadt, Pete Ronstadt
(Jesus Navarro) Por el quebrado camino Que va a la sierra huasteca Se oye cantar un jinete Que monta una yegua prieta Al acompasado trote De la jaca
: (Matraca Berg, Ronnie Samoset) Oh no, here we go and there you go again When we disagree you leave when you don't win, Honey now, Sidewalk, baby talk
A light shines from my window Just can't sleep no more Lord, it hurts so much to be alone But the real men never do admit It's them that might be wrong
Oh no, here we go and there you go again When we disagree you leave when you don't win Honey now Sidewalk, baby talk, don't get it with me no more Next
(Matraca Berg, Ronnie Samoset) Oh no, here we go and there you go again When we disagree you leave when you don't win, Honey now, Sidewalk, baby talk