: Erase una vez un cuento, yo no intento q lo sea, vive dentro de tu suenos, mudo, dudo q me creas, vuelan, como libelulas, perduran para siempre, se
Erase una vez un cuento, yo no intento q lo sea, vive dentro de tu suenos, mudo, dudo q me creas, vuelan, como libelulas, perduran para siempre, se alimentan
Tradução: Karas, Goran. Stay With Me.
: La via se ha producido adandonarme y maltratarme como un juguete sucio y abandonado por mas que quiero intento buscarte pero presiento que te has ido
: Sopla el viento del norte y tiembla la tierra... es la guerra Grita al sol de repente y cambia la suerte... es la muerte Llora un nombre apretando
: A warning to the people The good and the evil This is war To the soldier, the civillian The martyr, the victim This is war It's the moment of truth
: Se que faltaron razones se que sobraron motivos contigo porque me matas y ahora sin ti ya no vivo Tu dices blanco, yo digo negro Tu dices voy, yo
: The sky parts and my prayers fall before me Will faith be the question Or with the question test my faith Save me I am lost in the mind of a monster
: There's so many opposites, So many opposites So many, there's so many, there's so many Let's have a war So you can go and die! Let's have a war! We
: Se c'e babaman solo dance per le peep unani, uragano baba-b Rit: No war, babaman-a-raggamuffin' made in Italy ahi, il badman salta mentre guarda
: You think you look good in your new uniform Starched and pressed into the perfect norm Until uncle Sam puts a gun in your hand Points you in the wrong
: Argument then war Even the score Retaliate, revenge The will to win Man can't be wrong Man can never get along Man wants to fight Man wants to be right
: You should have gone to Canada You could have run away But you couldn't shame your parents You say you had to stay So you get yourself drafted So you
: (Instrumental)
: Generals gathered in their masses Just like witches at black masses Evil minds that plot destruction Sorcerers of death's construction In the fields
: Levava uma vida sossegada Gostava de sombra e agua fresca Meu Deus quanto tempo eu passei Sem saber Foi quando meu pai me disse filha Voce e a ovelha