su mente le falta algo Y el vive indiferente pensando: Yo soy demasiado diferente a lo que deberia ser Distinto a tanta gente me acostumbre a vencer Demasiado diferente
de su mente le falta algo Y el vive indiferente pensando: Yo soy demasiado diferente a lo que deberia ser Distinto a tanta gente me acostumbre a vencer Demasiado diferente
: Wir sind so grundlegend verschieden Du willst immer hoher hinaus, ich will wieder hier raus hmmm Wir sind so grunlegend verschieden Es scheint, du
uh uh she's perfect, tempary nails and fake lashes, eyes she catches shes like a code but all the way she has being made of plastic he's a rock 'n' roll
uh,uh,uh,hm,hm,yeah i can't believe my foolishness i'm so much smarter than this so it all ends now tell myself that it's over now i think im strong
I remember the first time I looked into your eyes Such an instant chemistry, took me by surprise 'Cause I never knew until that day if love was meant
I can't say, "I didn't know what I was doin'" I can't pretend, things just got outta hand I should've kept my distance while I was still strong But I
No tolerance no understanding Society these days too fucking demanding It's kill or be killed don't let them get you An eye for an eye do what you
Tradução: Halletz, Erwin. Todo lo que durante la noche puede ser diferente.
Tradução: Reba McEntire. No podemos detenernos ahora (a diferencia de la versión en vivo Reba).
Tradução: Azufre-Lee. No se puede cantar una canción diferente.
Tradução: The Smiths. El cielo sabe que soy desgraciado ahora (visión diferente).
I could live life alone And never feel the longings of my heart The healing warmth of someone's arms And I could live without dreams And never know the
dos dias ya sin ti (dos dias ya sin ti) dos noches sin dormir maldiciendo esta ilucion (ilucion) q ha nacido en mi nada puce hacer no te pude detener
Hey baby tell me how do you do It's been a while since I saw you Strange to be talking to you this way After everything that we've been through It makes
In this world of make believe I will try to find a way It's so easy to deceive What you do or what you say I would never try to ever break your heart