Despierto y me encuentro aqui ahogada en ti, quiero salir, busco escapar, no puedo seguir asi, tirada aqui, lo decidi, es hora de actuar. Y aunque el
There?s a blaze of things unspoken I hate to go unheard Time?s golden voice unbroken Will have the last word Yeah, each day I live Show me the way You
: Foetus je defierais quiconque Beaucoup plus grosses que des balles de ping-pong jme frappe le torse comme king kong je charge kom Mohamed Tyson et
my veil on my face Janine, Janine, you'd like to know me well But I've got things inside my head That even I can't face Janine, Janine, you'd like to
: Cat killing dogs, pigs eating rats every mouth will eat you up the king bug laughs Belly of the heart Belly full of bats the chromosomes seem not to
: I wasn't yet born and I felt the heartheat and that my life was born in hate I drag myself slowly inside the human body down thru the veins
: The thought ways are weak the voice is marble and cement and I live in spite of myself... It's hard to get the controls going, all I can see is
: I will go far away beyond the limits of the air towards the immensity above the astronauts towards the interstellar station.
: Thousands of years of sleep have blocked me in my cradle and now I retur. something changed I'm not aware of signals of life and yet I'm aware
: A nucleus splits itself and there are two lives and four and eight again in the right order a magic magic process maybe a blind process or maybe
: I've bought a lot of women in my life on all the beds I've left a lot of sweat how many unwanted children have gone down the drain closed in cement
: Un nucleo si divide e due sono le vite e quattro e otto ancora in giusta progressione processo di magia processo forse cieco o forse illuminato da
: Non ero ancora nato che gia sentivo il cuore che la mia vita nasceva senza amore mi trascinavo adagio dentro il corpo umano gia per le vene verso il
: E in certo il processo mentale, la voce e marmo e cemento vivo malgrado me stesso... Difficile attuare il controllo, attorno i miei occhi c'e nebbia
: Meccanici i miei occhi di plastica il mio cuore meccanico il cervello sintetico il sapore meccaniche le dita di polvere lunare in un laboratorio il
: My eyes are mechanical my heart is made of plastic my brain is mechanical the taste is sinthetic my fingers are mechanical made of moon dust
: Ho avuto molte donne in vita mia e in ogni camera ho lasciato qualche mia energia quanti figli dell'amore ho sprecato io racchiusi in quattro mura,
: Millenni di sonno mi hanno cullato ed ora ritorno. Qualcosa e cambiato non scorgo segnale che annunci la vita eppure l'avverto ci son vibrazioni. Che