: [Jer. 1:6-10] Jo ennenkuin mina valmistin sinut aidin kohdussa, mina sinut tunsin, ja ennenkuin sina aidista synnyit, mina sinut pyhitin; mina asetin
: Jesus! The name that makes me frantic, I'm in a panic! Need I use His name or is there any other way to say it? I talk at ease with you, the weather
: Kuka viela tarvitsee Jumalaa, liian helppoa on elaa. Siksi lahestytaan Hanta vain jos painaa, muuten vaietaan. Niin taytta elamaa, edes peljata ei
: Tassa taas seisotaan kun tanaan kotiin tulla saa. Siis alttarille kay. Niin vanhat tuoleiltaan, kuin nuoremmatkin koetaan, kun taivaat avataan Sinua
: [Jesaja 58:3-9] 58:3 "Miksi me paastoamme, kun et sina sita nae, kuritamme itseamme, kun et sina sita huomaa?" Katso, paastopaivananne te ajatte omia
: When I was reborn, You gave your sign to me. The cross was the way and it says you'll be with me... day after day. I heard you calling and felt that
: Taas on kylmennyt maa ja taivas sataa jaata niin mustaa. Taakka raskas kantaa sen alle oon jaanyt, en paase nousemaan. Tuli vei aivan kaiken pilvista
: Are you saved for real? Now your life is ideal? Have you made home your prison? What about our commission? God has given you so much. Do you reach
: I have a Holy Secret. It's written in my heart. No one can take it from me. And I can't share my own. He is Jesus. He is Jesus. Who can never let me
: Our Heavenly Father alone knows for sure When it's time for the Lord's Second coming. One will be taken, but they will remain Who refused to obey what
: Once there was a happy time. A little boy and his old father shared true love. Together they played many games. Any thought wasn't shared for tomorrow
: My heart, it thought it had found you. The atmosphere rose, it rose to the sky We saw you healing and we stood rejoicing For your goodness was truly
: Once I saw a man full of passion, So brave and so filled with the Word. He spoke like no other, like thunder Authorised with great love. His presence
: I don't need to climb a high mountain Seeking the truth and way to you. You are so wonderful, Creator, Holy one. You're the only one that I adore.
: For you alone my Father [x4] For you alone have my love, oh Father. You are love, from you comes all Even death could not hold you. (You live!) Now
: Kuulla sen sai taa koko kansa, kun sinun luokses tulla sain. Kun minut vapautit, omaksesi otit olin kanssasi kaiken aikaa. Nahda ne sai taas kaikki
: Mika estaa? Tiedathan, kaikki on sun kadessas -- lahtee tai jaada pois -- miten vain haluat. Mika kestaa? Tiedathan, tahdoit olla kaytossa! Ehka kotiis
: Ei tarvitse silmiaan sulkee nahdakseen, kuinka suuri on armosi suunnaton; oot Kaikkivaltias. Kaiken olet valmiiks laittanut. Kun tanaan saan reittejas