, in the midst of storm, In every need whate'er the call may be, To serve thee, Ghana, now and evermore. Raise high the flag of Ghana, And one with Africa
are dead Drain the life from their own earth From the stars, from every birth Druadan chieftain Ghan-buri-Ghan Wise from his mind Pure from his heart Druadan chieftain Ghan
Tradução: Battlelore. Ghân Of The Woods.
Ekow: Eh Franky! Where are you coming from? Franky: Eh Ekow! I am just coming from this nice fufu bar at labadi There is a some nice melody on my mind
tell me why. tell me why. tell me why you lied. that was not a nice thing to do. not a nice thing to do. it wasn't very nice of you. not a nice thing
popcorn was snapping in the hot oil on the kitchen stove and the sky through the kitchen window was cold and poised and threatening. heard your voice
i saw you on tv doing a bad imitation of van morrison and i saw you on tv doing a bad imitation of a second rate songwriter from the eighties named morrissey
i remembered you. i remembered where you'd come from. i remembered you. i remembered where you've gone. in the shifting neon air, saw the colors of
i remember the sound of your voice but none of what you said. i remember the burning in my body and the buzzing in my head. and i do remember your voice
through the shifting colors in the sky i heard the wild geese call. and the liwas bright and clear and cold over eastern montreal and although, i know
your bright eyes render all discussion pointless your bright eyes are gonna kill me for sure i look at you and i know that the house will come down because
we touched down in budapest headed straight for the motel rooom and got undressed we had not slept for three or four days and we slipped underneath the
I saw the last of the brightly colored birds check out of maine for the other world. and you ask me how much longer we have to stay here. but I'm
we boarded up the windows. and we sealed the door shut. and we let the special chicken build a nest right by the window. your face was glowing. the heat
You and me are in a lot of trouble And somebody's gonna burst our bubble Your husband My wife My marriage Your life Let's go to Maine out on the East
the trees were all decked out in their best fall colors there was a snap in the air when you eased down the window and the new york sun brought out the
you must try to lead a good life you must do unto others as you would have them do so that when you die you'll find golden boy peanuts waiting in the