: [Musica: Miguel G. Hernan Y. Adrian D., Letra: Juan D. Duque] I descended in search Of a longing And eternal awaiting Warned of my Initiating end
: [Musica: Miguel G. Adrian D. Hernan Y., Letra: Miguel G.] Feeling emotions Deep in my heart An ecstasy of love Running thru me [Chorus:] I?m falling
: [Musica y letra: Miguel G.] Feel your dead heart Your eyes crying blood See scarlet visions From the pain inside Your life is full of loneliness Your
: [Musica: Miguel Gongora / Hernan Yepes] [Instrumental]
: [Musica: Miguel G. Hernan Y., Letra: Hernan Y.] Even darkness takes my heart My blasphemy This time has to take other chance To get outside I have
: [Musica: Miguel G. Juan D. Palacio, Letra: Andres Merchan] Esperando nutrir tu todo, elixir escarlata broto del interior En torrentes de ser infinito
: [Musica: Adrian D. Miguel G., Letra: Adrian D.] I heard your voice in shadows Too blind, too lost Too hidden to find you Please take my blood Come
: [Musica y letra: Adrian Diaz] To have the rain in hands To stay at the end How could I clean my soul How could I break this wall Fighting, this pain
: [Musica: Miguel G. Adrian D., Letra: Juan D. Duque] To see how my dark soul Searches hopelessly The sun shine Feeling how you claw your name With
: [Musica: Juan D. Palacio, Miguel G., Letra: Juan D. Duque] I start to look Inside my soul exists To those eyes Of lightness It makes me set aside
: [Music & Lyrics - Gongora] The last day over your body And now is time of my journey Into the heart of the earth In the deep of gaia. I feel the last
: [Music - Erebor, Lytrics - Duque] Y encontre tus pensamientos, perdidos Oliendo en las flores tus aromas preferidos Esta es la forma para entrar,
: [Instrumental]
: [Music - Gongora, Lyrics - Yepes] Irrigaba mis nervaduras con tu savia producida Por el negro interior de tu conciencia Yo te daba lo mejor de mi
: [Music - Erebor / Palacio, Lyrics - Erebor / Duque] She's got my soul catch in her darkest wings She know my sadness and she rules my mind I can't
: [Music - Erebor / Gongora, Lyrics - Erebor / Duque] Vuelvo a mi soledad Vuelvo al silencio de mi cantar Vuelvo a la tierra de sombras sin fin Vuelvo
: [Music - Palacio, Lyrics - Duque] Tu me despiertas violentamente Con tu aliento arcano indescifrable El cual tu emanas para mi Con ese aroma Que me
: [Music - Gongora / Yepes, Lyrics - Duque] Tus ojos sin llanto Me dejan ver la mentira De tus falsas Promesas. Palabras lanzadas al aire Se convierten