Я не смогу жить без тебя, пойми родная ты меня! Мне плохо очень в этом мире, но что же делать,как же быть, и вдруг слеза,на сердце рана, и волком хочется
: Es como estar, perdido en el medio, del desierto, quemandote los pies, es como creer, que todo en esta vida, muy facil se nos va a dar. El tiempo pasa
: [Chorus: Flesh-n-Bone {Layzie Bone} (Krayzie Bone)] 'Creepin' On Ah Come Up' from sunup to sundown. Movin', we get up and get around. {Facts don't
: left uninspired by the crust of railroad earth that touched the lead to the pages of yout manuscript. I took my thumb off the concrete and saved up
: we spread out and occupy the cracks in the urban streets. idle now: I rearrange the furniture as you sleep. it's so appropriate: the way we amplify
: you've been forewarned of the shakedown. opinions stamped on the pulp of the tabloid newsstand gossip that's stacked at your door. you swallowed the
: this won't be the last you'll hear from me: it's just the start. I hope that he keeps you up for weeks like you did to me. I will hold a candle up
: you'll discover that casual friends kept notes in their pockets to remember your name. and all these places we went to see sights just gave them excuses
: I took the 405 and drilled a stake down into your center, and stated that it's never ever been better than this. I hung my favorite shirt on the floorboard
: synapse to synapse: the possibility's thin. I'm dressed up for free drinks and family greetings on your wedding date. the figures in plastic on the
: I'll take the best of your bad moods and dress them up to make a better you, 'cause all the company calls amount to one paycheck. I'd squeeze a heart
: last night I dreamt that I was you. I was dressed all in black with dark glasses and attitude. such a pose I could simply not hold through days in
: what ghosts exist behind these attic walls? there's got to be a simpler explanation, 'cause I scrimped and I saved just to find that they've been splicing
: Io nell?intimo mio, voglia di te ce l?ho Pero ho chiuso con te da oggi in poi percio Fatti miei , con chi staro Fatti miei chi scegliero Perche il
: (Parle) Le jeune facteur est mort. Il n'avait que dix-sept ans. Tout est fini pour nous deux maintenant. (Chante) L'amour ne peut voyager. Il a perdu
: E' un'ora che aspetto davanti al portone; su, trova una scusa per uscire di casa Fatti mandare dalla mamma a prendere il latte devo dirti qualche
: E? un?ora che aspetto davanti al portone; su, trova una scusa per uscire di casa Fatti mandare dalla mamma a prendere il latte devo dirti