: I came upon a butcher, he was slaughtering a lamb, I accused him there with his tortured lamb. He said, "Listen to me, child, I am what I am
I came upon a butcher He was slaughtering a lamb I accused him there With his tortured lamb He said, "Listen to me, child I am what I am And you, you
I came upon a butcher, he was slaughtering a lamb, I accused him there with his tortured lamb. He said, "Listen to me, child, I am what I am and you,
I came upon a butcher, he was slaughtering a lamb, I accused him there with his tortured lamb. He said, "Listen to me, child, I am what I am and
Tradução: Leonard Cohen. El Carnicero.
I came upon a butcher, He was slaughtering a lamb, I accused him there With his tortured lamb. He said, "listen to me, child, I am what I am and