: CHORUS: I'm lookin' for a reason to stay. I'm all wound up and tied in knots today. I'm lookin' for a reason not to go. When the morning comes, I'll
CHORUS: I'm lookin' for a reason to stay. I'm all wound up and tied in knots today. I'm lookin' for a reason not to go. When the morning comes, I'll be
Tradução: Creedence Clearwater Revival. Buscando una razón.
CHORUS: I'm lookin' for a reason to stay. I'm all wound up and tied in knots today. I'm lookin' for a reason not to go. When the morning comes, I'll
I'm lookin' for a reason to stay I'm all wound up and tied in knots today I'm lookin' for a reason not to go When the mornin' comes, I'll be on my way
Tradução: Creedence Clearwater Revival. Lookin 'For A Reason.