: The sun came up with no conclusions Flowers sleeping in their beds The city's cemetery's humming I'm wide awake, it's morning And I have my drugs,
: The sun came up with no conclusion Flowers sleeping in their beds This city's cemetery's humming I?m wide-awake, it?s morning I have my drugs, I have
The sun came up with no conclusions Flowers sleeping in their beds The city's cemetery's humming I'm wide awake, it's morning And I have my drugs, I have
The sun came up with no conclusions Flowers sleeping in their beds The city's cemetery's humming I'm wide awake, it's morning And I have my drugs, I
The sun came up with no conclusion Flowers sleeping in their beds This city's cemetery's humming I?m wide-awake, it?s morning I have my drugs, I have
As the heart holds on To the life that is known CHORUS: Now what once was the night I can't seem to recognize Stars fallen from your eyes That once shone so bright
relate to joy, he tries to speak and Can't begin to say She got pictures on the wall, they make me look up From her big brass bed Now I'm running down the road
was no support from the city forthcoming, No sympathy numbing your going away. It's hard to say goodbye. And there was you with your bright eyes and
shine bright, some shine small The rains will come and the waters rise But don't you ever lose your light In this life you will know Love and pain, joy
the thorn tree Are cold beside my darling, but no purer than she I gaze upon the cold moon till the stars drown in the warm seas And the bright eyes of
nailing in the harvest crate you feel the joy and pain. Oh where is paradise? I need me there. where's the road to paradise? where, oh where is paradise