не надо в свою душу лезть так вглубь, глубь глубь глубь Видимо зря я его все жду Лучший день моей жизни, день, когда я умру Ведь есть дом, где ждут,
: Sleep when I'm dead, you angels I'll sleep when I'm dead, I said Sleep when I'm dead, you angels I'll sleep when I'm dead, I said Sleep when I'm dead
: One day I woke up I woke up knowing today is the day I will die Cashdogg was barking went to the park and enjoyed that one last time I called my mother
: Seven days of saturday Is all that I need Got no use for Sunday 'Cause I don't rest in peace Don't need no Mondays Or the rest of the week I spend
: Seven days of saturday Is all that I need Got no use for Sunday 'Cause I don't rest in peace Don't need no Mondays Or the rest of the week I
: There's no one to save us, it's kill or be killed Living in a jungle you'll hunt with all your skills Waiting for a victim, your hunger must be fed
One day, I woke up, I woke up knowing Today is the day I will die Cash dog was barkin', went to the park and Enjoyed it one last time I called my mother
I don't care about your karma I don't care about what's hip No space cadet's gonna tell me what to do I won't swim in your jacuzzi You can't make me
Oh, what a night, yo, that I just been through I barely made it home from this hip-hop venue These two guys, no three guys, no four, yo, this posse Try
I'm not scared of dyin' and I don't really care if it's peace you find in dyin' Well then let the time be near if it's peace you find in dyin' When dyin
Alright, baby Will you wake me? Wake me when I'm dead I think it's time now, I gotta go But don't you shed a tear when I'm gone Before it's over I hope
There's no one to save us, it's kill or be killed Living in a jungle you'll hunt with all your skills Waiting for a victim, your hunger must be fed Better
And when I die, and when I'm dead, dead and gone There'll be one child born and a world to carry on There'll be one child born to carry on I'm not scared
Seven days of Saturday Is all that I need Got no use for Sunday 'Cause I don't rest in peace I don't need no Mondays Or the rest of the week I spend a
Yeah Slippin' the vein Gimme the vein And give me the Bitches and birds And maggots ? And what the fuck In a lifeline People do it all the time Scary
All kinds of people have all sorts of feelings about dying Most view it with fear and trepidation, but that's not the way for me, oh no On a day like
Because I believe and have found salvation (bass-when I die) (lead and tenor- when I die) I'll live again That I may take part in the jubilation (
Persecuted by the world all I want is my baby girl in my arms braided up on pretty curls Keep the fame and the fortune I don't need it is to many out