
Letras:Iggy Pop. Brick By Brick. My Baby Wants to Rock and Roll.

Iggy Pop/Slash)

She likes pictures and thoughts control
My baby wants to rock and roll
she wants ta rock rock rock
she's shoppin' wild and she's comin' down
Superman couldn't turn her around

Rock rock and roll
Rock it on down till she cures her soul
She wants to rock and rock and roll
She wants ta rock her way right outta the hole

She don't believe the way they lay things out
She wants information and she wants it raw
She's gotta try it till she's too fucked up
I was the same way once myself

I hadda rock...
Goin' down those empty streets
He doesn't deserve it-screw him-rock and roll
You know what other guy's got all the money

Bodies murmur under blankets
The party's in full swing
Car crash on the grey highway
The boys are high and ready for fucking new blood
Boddies are needed constantly
Voyagers in tehe animal state-whoops!-
Escapees from all history
The meanest little bitch in 13 states-
Here come the assholes they can smell the money-
...Rock and roll...
She's what God creates-
Nobody knows if she'll live or die

He wishes he was the cute one
He needs to rock and roll
----------------------------------------------------But he's just the big one