Letras:Lodger. I love death.
Waking ten times to take a piss
you can taste the cancer in my morning kiss
Scratch the rash on my back, it's perfect bliss
you want a life companion and you're getting this
men can get a few dimes
and man can get it up few times
men can get a few dimes
and man can get it up few times
You have to look away at my every meal
inconvenient, but that's the deal
This is what we've become when nothing's real
mental wounds that never heal
men can get a few dimes
and man can get it up few times
men can get a few dimes
and man can get it up few times
man can get a few dimes
and man can get it up few times
man can get a few dimes
and man can get it up few times
I Love Death
you can taste the cancer in my morning kiss
Scratch the rash on my back, it's perfect bliss
you want a life companion and you're getting this
men can get a few dimes
and man can get it up few times
men can get a few dimes
and man can get it up few times
You have to look away at my every meal
inconvenient, but that's the deal
This is what we've become when nothing's real
mental wounds that never heal
men can get a few dimes
and man can get it up few times
men can get a few dimes
and man can get it up few times
man can get a few dimes
and man can get it up few times
man can get a few dimes
and man can get it up few times
I Love Death
10 раз просыпаться, чтобы сходить отлить
ты можешь чувствовать рак в моём утреннем поцелуе
почеши мне спину, а? очень в кайф
... да, я знаю, что ты хотела себе спутника жизни, а получила вот это:
- человека, который зарабатывает несколько копеек
- человека, у которого иногда встаёт. иногда.
каждый раз, когда едим, ты отворачиваешься
неприятно и неудобно конечно, но что поделаешь
вот в это мы и превратились
некоторые душевные раны не затягиваются никогдаPedidos mais populares