
Letras:Heideroosjes. Just Drop Dead!.

I laugh hard when you ask me how things are going
You give me a weak hand and have some tittle-tattle ready

You lick your way up but belong in the sewer
Like an eel in a bucket of mucus, just drop dead!
As a filthy whore sitting on everyone's lap
Slobbering hypocrite, just drop dead!

Punks, yuppies he doesn't care
The prodent-smile deceiving everyone(*1)

a??Hello how are you doing?a?? is your best quote
Well, I'm fine, just drop dead!
a??You look finea?? said the idiot
Well I feel like shit, just drop dead!

My pyrosis' bubbling, too much weak twaddle
Losers with beautiful words, too much talk

a??Hello how are you doing?a?? is your best quote
Well, I'm fine, just drop dead!
a??You look finea?? said the idiot
Well I feel like shit, just drop dead!

(*1 Prodent is a Dutch toothpaste brand)