
Letras:Heideroosjes. Fast Forward. NIMBY (Not In My Backyard).

Hey Mr. Politics!
How come you don't care of the homeless?
Hey Mr. Politics!
You keep them far from your place,
so you don't sleep restless

Hey Mr. Fiddlesticks!
No railway traffic, across your own street
Hey Mr. Fiddlesticks!
How many dirty junkies do you ever meet?

Not in my backyard
That's how you play cards
Not in my backyard
Don't sell me your facade
Not in my backyard
Game over, wrong card

Hey Mr. Politics!
You live far away from the red light district
Hey Mr. Politics!
Your neighbourhood is never
a stake in a conflict

Hey Mr. Fiddlesticks!
We are to ones who elected you
Hey Mr. Fiddlesticks!
Did you forget who pulled you through?