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Beginning Band Book No. 7 - 1st Clarinet. Clarinet sheet music.


Beginning Band Book No. 7 - 1st Clarinet. Partituras para clarinete.


Beginning Band Book No. 7 - 1st Clarinet composed by John Edmondson, Anne McGinty. Band. For 1st clarinet. Program. technic book. Queenwood Beginning Band. Book G,7. Program. technic book. Published by Queenwood Publications. KJ.Q886604. ISBN 849778085. Grade 1 concert band music. Playable with only 1 flute, 2 clarinets, 1 alto saxophone, 2 cornets. trumpets and percussion, up to full instrumentation. Full, complete sound, even without bass clef instruments. The bass clef part in octaves is optional. Both clarinet parts stay below the break. Optional F Horn and Tenor Saxophone parts are written in their best ranges. Bell part for teaching melodic percussion. Titles Include. African Folk Trilogy, African Folk Trilogy #2, Chippewa Lullaby, The Golden Eagle March, Hymn and Hosanna, Join the Crowd, Kings, Kings, Kings, The Lost City, March of Freedom, Mystery of the Maya, Name Those Carols, Quicksilver Overture, Take Me Out to the Ball Game, Wellington Overture and Wolseys Wilde.


Beginning Band Book No. 7 - 1st Clarinet composed by John Edmondson, Anne McGinty. Banda. Por primera clarinete. Programa. libro de técnica. Queenwood Band Comenzando. Libro G, 7. Programa. libro de técnica. Publicado por Queenwood Publicaciones. KJ.Q886604. ISBN 849778085. Grado 1 música banda. Jugable con sólo 1 flauta, 2 clarinetes, 1 saxofón alto, 2 cornetas. trompetas y percusión, hasta la instrumentación completa. , Sonido completo completo, incluso sin instrumentos en clave de Fa. La parte clave de fa en octavas es opcional. Ambas piezas de clarinete se mantienen por debajo de la pausa. Partes F Horn y saxofón tenor opcionales están escritos en sus mejores rangos. Parte de Bell para la enseñanza de la percusión melódica. Los títulos incluyen. Африканский народный Trilogy, Африки Народная Trilogy.