How stands the glass around. Anonymous. A cappella. Secular , Partsong. Language. English. ATB.Tradução
How stands the glass around. Anónimo. A capella. Seglar, Canción. Idioma. Inglés. ATB.Original
A favourite song of General Wolfe, allegedly sung by him at Québec the night before his death. But the legend relies on an inexact reading of the description in Krifft's "Siege of Québec, a sonata". 1797. "A favorite song of General Wolfe's & sung the evening before the engagement wherein he was killed". The present harmonization is that of Krifft, who completed "The siege of Quebec" after the majority had been composed by Kotzwara, before his untimely death from erotic asphyxiation. Kotwara's "Battle of Prague" was a favourite of Jane Austen. The song appears first in a ballad opera of 1729 called "The Patron". I have not seen this source. and bears more than a passing resemblance to an Act Tune by Jeremiah Clarke associated with the play "A wife for any man", 1696.Tradução
A favourite song of General Wolfe, allegedly sung by him at Québec the night before his death. But the legend relies on an inexact reading of the description in Krifft's "Siege of Québec, a sonata". 1797. "A favorite song of General Wolfe's & sung the evening before the engagement wherein he was killed". The present harmonization is that of Krifft, who completed "The siege of Quebec" after the majority had been composed by Kotzwara, before his untimely death from erotic asphyxiation. Kotwara's "Battle of Prague" was a favourite of Jane Austen. The song appears first in a ballad opera of 1729 called "The Patron". I have not seen this source. and bears more than a passing resemblance to an Act Tune by Jeremiah Clarke associated with the play "A wife for any man", 1696.Pedidos mais populares